Like the Founding Fathers, who struggled to establish this great Fraternity, the petition to charter a new graduate chapter would not be an easy task. Six brothers, stepped-out on faith to expand their Fraternity’s horizons. By attracting other Omega Men who possessed high aspirations and enthusiasm, they endeavored “To See It Through”. It was because of their perseverance and endurance, their commitment and dedication to complete this noble task, that these 6 men would begin laying the foundation for our chapter’s legacy. Alpha Mu Mu was charted by six brothers who felt that Omega Psi Phi should be a presence in College Station, Texas to help mentor the undergraduate brothers from the Nu Delta Delta Chapter of Texas A & M. Charter members Bro. Charles Sippial, Bro. Wendell Huey (Omega Chapter), Bro. Joe Buchannan, Bro. Floyd T. Henderson II, Bro.Wilbert J. Sennette (Omega Chapter) and Bro. Dr. Dave Louis.